Are you planning a layoff or trying to avert one?
The Rapid Response team at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, along with its network of 60+ operating workforce centers across the state, can help. The process of separation can be difficult and expensive. Rapid Response services can help minimize the cost and negative impact a separation can have on an organization. By delivering information workshops, hiring events, and answering important questions about layoffs and strategies to prevent layoffs, Rapid Response services can make the transition easier for you and your employees. Offering these services can also minimize the operational impact to your business. When employees feel prepared for the transition, it reduces stress and helps them maintain productivity throughout the transition.
Do you want to minimize the impact a layoff event has on your unemployment insurance premium rates? The shorter the duration of unemployment for your employees, the less likely it will be that your unemployment insurance premium rates will rise. What about the impact of layoffs on your brand? Effective Rapid Response layoff transition services can elevate your brand in the eyes of investors, customers, and remaining employees as well as future job candidates. The best news is that Rapid Responses services are offered at no cost to you or your employees.
To learn more about Rapid Response or the Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification Act (WARN), call the Rapid Response hotline to schedule a free consultation at 303-318-8267.