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Message to our Colorado Human Resources Professionals

    June 30, 2020

    The Executive Committee of the Colorado Society of Human Resource Management State Council (COSHRM) would like to take a moment to share with you how we are working to support Colorado’s HR professionals. To say that there has never been a time in our profession where HR has been needed more, is an understatement.

    In the recent months with both the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the recent events around social injustice happening across the United States, the lives of our community members as well as our workplaces have been affected in tremendous and impactful ways. These events are taking place in our communities; but we are seeing the responses and changes happening in our workplaces. As the people who support the people in our organizations, the time for your guidance and leadership has never been greater. HR professionals are the leaders in their organizations and have been the resource for business leaders and employees. COSHRM wants to be a partner to you and be the organization you can turn to for support, resources, and connection.

    The COSHRM State Council is built to help bring communication and information to our HR community in Colorado and to share information on local chapters where you can connect directly with your HR peers. We know, firsthand, how this year has brought challenging and important issues forward. We are hearing that the need to focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is being discussed in all organizations as more than a checkbox that is marked. There is real and demonstrated action being taken in companies of all sizes to connect with our workers and provide them a workplace built on diversity and focusing on inclusion. We see HR leaders re-shaping and developing practices which will move toward a better workplace for all. And perhaps now more than ever is the time to connect and engage with each other to better understand how we can be effective leaders and professionals working in human resources.

    With those areas in mind, we want to share with you some resources available now as well as those coming soon.

    • First, we are working to organize and bring you a Virtual Summit on August 6. The Summit is focused on not only providing credits to our HR community but also the space to learn and connect with each other. We are hosting multiple tracks, designed to bring timely presentations focused on workforce readiness, change management and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    • Second, we have six local SHRM chapters across Colorado where you can connect, network, and engage directly with peers in your communities who are working toward similar goals. 

    Above all, our team is here to listen and to support you. We want to connect and learn more about how we can help you, as you continue to help your people in your workplaces. Please find us on social media and/or email us at

    Thank you for the work you do – we are proud to work with you!


    COSHRM's Executive Committee

    Amanda Ericson, State Director
    Dani Kimlinger, State Director Elect
    Bonita Sonderby, Immediate Past State Director
    Michelle Griffith, Treasurer & Secretary