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SHRM Wants to Hear from You - MAC Survey deadline is April 23!

    April 18, 2018

    The SHRM Membership Advisory Council (MAC) wants to hear from you!  We invite you as a member of the HR community in Colorado to complete the Spring 2018 survey by Monday, April 23.  Participation in this survey is critical, because it's your opportunity to tell SHRM what support you need from them.

    Take the MAC Spring 2018 Survey today!
    It should take less than 10 minutes, and your participation will benefit you as a member of SHRM, as well as your local chapter. Please complete the survey today to ensure your voice is heard.
    Not a member of SHRM or a local chapter? Find the closest Colorado chapter here.
    The results of the MAC survey are shared with the SHRM Board of Directors and reported out at the volunteer leader briefing at the SHRM Annual Conference in Chicago in June.
    Wondering about MAC? The primary charge of the Membership Advisory Council is to be the liaison between SHRM volunteers and chapters and our SHRM Board of Directors. We are proud that we have a Board who not only listens to our ideas, but who actually takes action, as evidenced by several Board initiatives which came about as a result of MAC reports.
    Please help us by sharing YOUR thoughts.  

    Thank you!