Request for Presentations
Request for Presentations Now Open!
Colorado Society for Human Resources Management's (COSHRM’s) Speaker Committee invites you to share your knowledge and expertise with Colorado’s HR professionals and business leaders at the COSHRM State Conference to be held in Keystone, Colorado. This biennial conference draws attendees from all across Colorado and the surrounding states and provides a learning and networking experience for the 400+ attendees and countless exhibitors who make this conference a priority destination.
Proposals must be received no later than close of business Sunday, January 22, 2017.
2017 COSHRM Conference Details
The theme is Multifaceted HR: Out of the Ordinary and Into the Extraordinary and will be held on Wednesday, September 27 – Friday, September 29, 2017 in Keystone, Colorado.
We are searching for “out of the ordinary” sessions and speakers who are part of the broader spectrum of HR and have practical messages for HR professionals, particularly knowledge that can be applied to our jobs and organizations and messages that can be clearly explained to leaders. Speakers could include psychologists, coaches, wellness experts, economists, legislators, researchers, financial experts and analytics experts. We of course encourage HR practioners, specialists and leaders to submit proposals. Attendees will be provided with the opportunity to see HR from different perspectives with a multifaceted view of the topics to be presented.
To help speakers be as successful as possible and to promote fresh content to our attendees, we kindly suggest that potential speakers who have recently or are scheduled in 2017 to present at Colorado chapter events submit proposals that differ enough, from the audience perspective, to ensure the conference is not repeating chapter programs.
In addition to a 1-hour time block, we are interested in speakers who have a longer (1 ½ - 2 hour) session or a 3-hour workshop type setting. We are seeking a number of proposals for this 2 ½ day conference and final selections will be made based on content fit for our target audiences, length of session, practical application, references and proven speaking ability.
We are currently focusing in 6 key areas that include:
(1) Leadership
(2) Human Capital Dynamics
(3) Inclusive Organizations
(4) Business Acumen
(5) Legal
(6) Wellness & Balance
More information about these tracks, desired subject matter, and target audiences can be found in the attached Program Marketing Track Overviews.
While these areas may be modified by selected content, some topics of interest may include: Managing Up, Branding Yourself, Crisis Management, Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, LGBTQ issues, Coaching, Affordable Care Act 2017 & 2018, Accommodating disabilities, Human Capital Strategies, Metrics, Active Shooter, Stress, Communication, Colorado Economic Forecasts, Future of HR, EEOC Trends in Colorado, Dynamics of the C-Suite, Staffing Models, Predictive Analysis or Colorado Legislative Trends.
The requirements for presentation forums vary but generally need to qualify for educational credits through SHRM and HRCI. COSHRM will facilitate the certification process.
Speakers are not paid for the engagement, however, one night of lodging at the Keystone Resort is provided to help facilitate travel to Keystone. Additional perks enjoyed by selected Speakers is the ability to network with HR Professionals and join in the provided meals on the day of your presentation. Speakers may choose to attend other sessions being offered on the day of their own session as well. In the event that you are interested in presenting at the conference but require some form of consideration or accommodation, please indicate your request on the speaker form.
Submitting Your Proposal
Please follow the link above to submit your contact information, session description, time length of your session, your professional bio, and proof of performance and/or testimonials.
A note on Proof of Performance: Video clips of you presenting at a conference or class are the preferred proof of performance. Clips of you marketing yourself, business, or service are not acceptable. Failure to submit proof of performance or references that can attest to performance will eliminate you from consideration.
Preference will be given to sessions that enhance the HR Professional's knowledge and capability in the areas of Business and HR Strategy (SHRM) and Business Management & Strategy (HRCI) and those that address the Global Professional in HR (GPHR) Body of Knowledge.
All sessions will be submitted to SHRM and HRCI for re-certification credit. The Speakers Selection Committee will facilitate this process.
Examples of programs that receive Business and HR Strategy / Business Management & Strategy credit include:
- Support participants' knowledge of business functions such as finance, marketing, sales, or operations;
- Develop skills in strategic planning, critical thinking, influencing, negotiation and leadership;
- Enable participants' to have an impact on their organizations' mission, vision, values, bottom line, policies, or strategic goals and objectives.
- Programs that receive GPHR credit support the Human Resources professional/business leader who is operating in a multi-national organization.
Practical Application
Sessions that include practical tools and models that can be applied on the job without an investment in additional training or a specific technology are popular with our audience. Models for evaluating training, technology, or other business investments are also useful.
Proven Speaking Ability
We strongly encourage you to submit video proof of your speaking style and presentation skills (web link to YouTube, Vimeo or other video-sharing programs).
Thank you for your interest in COSHRM!
The Speakers Committee will make speaker selections by March 22, 2017. If you have questions, contact Shelly Williams or Bonita Sonderby. Inquiries may also be addressed to COSHRM by contacting Sarah Martens at